The following rules are adjusted to the event’s circumstances and might vary from the regulations applied in other national or international organisations.
Please bear the following in mind:
- There will be no compulsory decision. Only if scores are even, or if there are no scores after weighing, a decision for a winner must be taken.
- In the initial time of each match a Genten does not implicate that the penalised fighter must loose. It will be left up to the judges’ discretion to decide the winner. In the extensions, the competitor who has penalised with a Genten must lose.
- There must be 3 out of the 5 votes (Majority) for any decision or penalty to be awarded.
Sections’ Directory:
- Judging principles and basic requirements
- Corner Judges, Referees and judging criteria
- Bout’s starting procedure
- Bout’s Refereeing Terminology
- Announcements Terminology
- Bout’s ending procedure Terminology
- Competition Area
- Weight Categories
- Duration of the bouts and extensions procedure
- Rules and equipment for competitors
- Waza-Ari / Half point score
- Ippon-gachi / Full point score
- Hantei-gachi / Winner by decision
- Allowed techniques and actions
- Banned techniques and actions
- Warnings & Penalties
- Disqualification
- Tameshi Wari Contest
- Tameshi Wari conduct and terminology
A. The competitors’ safety
The competitors’ safety should always be the main priority of the match officials.
In a case of an accident the referee must stay calm and act promptly to check the state of the competitor and if necessary, call the tournament doctor.
B. Judging principles and requirements
The referee should be able make fair judgements al all times. If a judge or referee at any time feels that he/she can not be impartial, he/she should contact the Competition Supervisor to be substituted.
The referees must be able to make the correct signals and announcements.
The judges must wear Black trousers, Navy blue shirt and White bow tie and provide their own whistle.
A. The bouts will be judged by 5 match officials; 4 judges and 1 referee.
B. The referee gives all the commands and announces all decisions.
C. Each judge, including the referee, has one vote.
D. All decisions must be majority vote of at least three of the five match officials.
E. The doctor may decide to stop a bout after consulting with the match officials, if a competitor is unable to continue due to an attack (legal or foul). If the bout has been stopped by the doctor due to a foul attack (Hansoku Waza) the fighter who fouled will lose the bout and the opponent will only continue into the next round with the doctor’s authorization.
1. As the competitors are announced the head referee (Sushin) calls the red/white competitor to enter the competition (Shobu) mat area by saying: "Aka / Shiro Nakae”
2. The referee commands each competitor as he/she comes to the line to turn towards the official seats (Shomen) and in Fudo Dachi "Aka / Shiro Shomen Muite”
3. Once both competitors are on the match area the referee proceeds with the opening of the match, (Shiai-gaishi) with the formal greeting, (Aisatsu) with both competitors facing the official seats (Shomen) and bow on command: "Shomen ni rei”.
4. Then the competitors face the referee and bow to the command: "Sushin ni rei”.
5. Finally the competitors face each other and bow at the command: "Otagai ni rei".
6. After the greetings the referee indicates the competitors to take fighting position on the command: "Kamaete”.
7. Herewith the referee gives the competitors the command to start the bout with: "Hajime”.
A. Terminology during the match (Shiai-chu):
- Stop the match: "Yame”
- Continue fighting / Attack: ”Zokko”
- Foul attacks: "Kogeki”
- Foul attacks to the face: "Ganmen Kogeki"
- Foul attacks to the groin: "Kinteki Kogeki”
- Grapping: "Tsukami”
- Holding and clinching "Kakaekomi”
- Head butting: "Zutsuki”
- Pushing: "Oshi”
- Calling in corner judges: "Fukushin-shugo”
B. The corner judge shall show the following actions with the flag:
- Full point: "Ippon"
- Half Point: "Waza-Ari"
- Draw: "Hiki-Wake"
- Warnings: "Chui"
- Penalties: "Genten"
- Disqualification: "Shikaku"
- No score /no count: "Mitomezu"
- Out of match area: "Jogai"
- Unclear: "Fumei"
A. Foul Attack (Hansoku Waza):
Warning to red/white for head butting: "Aka/Shiro, Zutsuki, Chui Ichi!”
B. Full point Score (Ippon)
Red/white full point score with lower punch: "Aka/Shiro, Shita-tsuki, Ippon”
C. Half point score (Waza-Ari)
Red/White fighter’s half point score with front kick: "Aka/Shiro, Mae-Geri, Waza-ari”
D. Two Half points score equals a full point
Announcing a second Waza-Ari with Gedan-Geri: "Gedan-Geri, Waza-Ari Awasete Ippon"

The procedure at the conclusion of a bout (Shiai Shuryo):
- Stop Fighting: "Yame"
- Indication to face the front: "Shomen-Muite"
- The referee indicates judges to be set to raise their flag: "Hantei-O-Torimasu"
- The referee requests corner judges’ decision: "Hantei"
The referee counts the flags ending with the majority decision and announces the victory.
Hereafter he employs the same procedure as in the opening of the bout.
- The contenders are facing the official seats: "Shomen ni Rei"
- The contenders face the referee and bow: "Sushin ni Rei"
- The competitors face each other and bow: "Otagai ni Rei"
After the greetings the referee indicates the fighters to shake hands.
The contenders should step down from the Shobu (match) mat on the same side as they entered the area.
The size of the competition area will be 8x8 meters + 1 meter safety zone around this. Thus the total will be a 10x10 meters mat. The platform will be 12x14 meters and 50 cm high.
The heavyweight division will be open for Light and middleweight competitors who wish to enter this division.
There will be 3 weight categories for women:
- LIGHTWEIGHT: Under 60 kg
- MIDDLEWEIGHT: From 60 kg to 65 kg inclusive
- HEAVYWEIGHT /OPEN: More than 65 kg and Open to lighter contenders
There will be 3 weight categories for men:
- LIGHTWEIGHT: Under 70 kg
- MIDDLEWEIGHT: From 70 kg to 80 kg inclusive
- HEAVYWEIGHT /OPEN: More than 80 kg and Open to lighter contenders
The match procedure and duration of the bouts will diverge in preliminaries, semi-finals and finals as follows:
- Preliminaries: 2 min.; 2 min.; Weighing; 2 min. (Final extension)
- Semi-finals: 3 min.; + 2 min.; 2 min.; Weighing; 2 min. (Final extension)
- Finals: 3 min.; 2 min.; 2 min.; Weighing; Tameshi Wari; 3 min. (Final extension)
- Preliminaries: 3 min.; 2 min.; Weighing, 2 min. (Final extension)
- Semi-finals: 3 min.; 2 min.; 2 min.; Weighing; Tameshi Wari; 2 min. (Final ext.)
- Finals: 3 min.; 2 min.; 2 min.; 2 min.; Weighing; Tameshi Wari; 3 min. (Final ext.)
1. In both the Middleweight and Lightweight Divisions, if there is more than 5 kg weight difference, the lighter competitor shall be declared the winner, if there is less than 5 Kg difference a draw is declared and a final extension will held.
2. In the Heavyweight Division, if there is more than 10 kg in weight difference, the lighter competitor shall be declared the winner, if there is less than 10 Kg in weight difference a draw is declared and a final extension will be held.
3. In the final extension Encho-sen a winner has to be decided and the judges and referee can not declare a draw Hiki Wake and each judge must declare a win to one of the competitors.
4. The time of the bout will run when the referee signals the start with "Hajime”.
5. The time will only be stopped during the match if the referee commands: "Jikan” (Time-stop) or when the bout’s time is up.
10.1. Equipment
A. Fighters must fight in white Dogi. Men must not wear T-Shirt under dogi.
B. Women may only use soft types of breast protectors under white T-shirt.
C. Groin Guards are compulsory.
D. Mouth Guards are optional.
E. All fights are with bare knuckles and without shin pad protection.
F. Bandages and tapes must be authorized by the doctor prior to the bout.
G. All protection must be approved at the registration of the contenders.
H. It is not allowed to fight with glasses. The use of contact lenses is optional.
10.2. Procedure
A. Fighters are responsible for being ready on time for each bout.
B. The fighters must enter and exit the match Shobu mat area from each side as indicated by the organisation.
C. The red fight will be will be the contender with the lowest back number and the white competitor the one with highest back number.
D. The red "Aka” fighter will be called in first and should enter the match area on the official front’s "Shomen” left side hand side. The white "Shiro” contender should enter the match area on the right side.
10.3. Rules
A. Competitors should present a medical certificate at the weigh-in. The medical certificate should include health check, HIV test, Hepatitis B&C test and medical declaration that approve participating in full contact fighting.
B. Competitors for should be a minimum of 18 years of age on the date of the tournament; and at least 4th Kyu.
C. All competitors must provide information and registration requests through your area Branch Chief or Country Representative.
I. Only official Branch Chiefs can enter requests of enrolments.
J. The participation in the world cup is on the competitors’ responsibility only.
K. It is the Competitor’s total responsibility to make a specific insurance for knock down fighting. The Spanish Organisation, OKKE and NPO IKO Matsushima will not in any way be responsible for any injury or accident that may come about during the World cup.
A. A legal technique or attack that downs an opponent that is able to recover his standing position within 3 seconds will be judged as Waza Ari, a half point score.
B. A competitor who is reluctant to fight but resumes the fight within 3 seconds will be judged as a Waza Ari.
C. It is the referee’s and the doctor’s combined decision to decide whether a downed Competitor may continue.
D. A competitor who is awarded a half point score will be given the victory at the end of the bout if no other score have been granted.
A. A technique or an attack that connects or results in an immediate knock down of the opponent for more than 3 seconds, scores an Ippon, a full point
B. The competitor will be awarded a full point (IPPON) if his opponent is reluctant to fight for longer than 3 seconds as a result of a legal technique.
C. Two half points (Waza Aris) will result in a full point Awasete Ippon.
D. The disqualification will automatically give the opponent victory.
A. If no Ippon, Waza Ari or Hansoku has been given the full amount of damage during the bout will be taken into account as main priority in the decision.
B. If no damage has been registered, the overall Yuko Uchis, efficient attacks will be the criteria for the decision.
C. In the final extension, Encho-sen, where a decision has to be taken, if no Ippon, Waza Ari or Yuko Uchi has been effectuated, the decision must be taken upon the basis of who has been the most forceful and dynamic during the bout.
D. If a Genten, a penalisation has been awarded to a competitor during Encho-sen, the final extension, his opponent will be awarded the victory.







- Disobeying the referee’s directions
- Making comments to the referee
- Straight attacks to the knee joints
- Any intentioned attack to the opponent’s spine from behind
- Attacks towards a fallen opponent
- Attacking a downed opponent, while he/she is lying on the floor.
- Stepping repetitively out of the match mat area: "Jogai"
- Attacks with hand or elbow techniques, Ude-waza to the head, neck or face
- Grappling: "Tsukami"
- Attacking while hook holding: "Kake Tsukami"
- Holding or clinching: "Kakaekomi"
- Pushing: "Oshi"
- Head butting: "Zutsuki"
- Kick to the groin: "Kinteki-geri"
- Retreating continually out of the match area and to avoid or refrain from fighting
- Constant bad attitude or behaviour towards the referee or competition
- Any fighter who refuses to fight over a longer period of time (30 seconds) can be disqualified.







The following procedure for announcements of warnings and penalties should be implemented by the referee towards foul techniques or actions:
- FIRST WARNING: The referee points to the offender’s stomach saying: "Chui-ichi”
- SECOND WARNING / FIRST PENALTY: The referee points to the offender’s stomach saying: "Chui-ni”, he then points to the offender’s face with: "(Awasete) Genten-ichi”
- THIRD WARNING: The referee points to the offender’s stomach saying: "Chui-ichi”
- FOUTH WARNING / SECOND PENALTY / DISQUALIFICATION: The referee points to the offender’s stomach saying: "Chui-ni” the referee then points 2 fingers to the offender’s face with: "(Awasete) Genten-ni”. Finally the referee disqualifies the offender by pointing to the offender’s face, then to the outside of the match area, indicating him/her to leave the area by announcing: "Shikkaku”
- Serious infringements may result in penalties without warnings.
The following circumstances may result in disqualifications Shikkaku:
- In the case of second penalisation Genten-ni
- Constant disobeying the referee’s instructions.
- All actions regarded as absolute violence or intentional fouls.
- Any contender who refuses to engage in fighting during a match after the referee has appealed to the fighter to do so 3 times.
- If both contenders show unwillingness to engage in fighting for more than30 seconds, both fighters will be disqualified.
- No show. If a competitor does appear when called in for a bout within 1 minute.
The Tameshi-Wari contest is compulsory for semi-finalists (12 contestants) and female finalists (6 contestants) with the following 4 techniques:
- Seiken (punch with the fist)
- Shuto (Strike with the edge of hand)
- Hiji (Elbow strike)
- Kakato or Sokuto-Geri (Downward Heel or Side kick)
A. The minimum amount of boards for male contestants will be 2 boards and 1 board for female contestants.
B. Points are awarded according to the number of boards broken.
C. The total sum of broken boards will be base on which the "Decision on Tameshi Wari” will be made when no sufficient weight difference is found between the fighters.
D. Contestants who fail to break the boards in the first attempt will have second attempt at the minimum amount of boards.
E. Contestants who fail the second attempt with a specific technique will not score any points.
F. Any materials as cloths or towels must be recognised by the Tameshi Wari supervisor.
G. The contestants have 30 seconds to break the boards.
a. Tameshi Wari area:
The Tameshi Wari contest will be held on the ceremony stage (not on competitions mat area)
b. Procedure of the contestants:
The Tameshi Wari contest will commence with the 6 female finalists and end with the 12 male semi-finalists.
The contestants must all be facing the official seats and stand in Fudo Dachi when standing and sit in Seiza or Anza (if indicated by the Tameshi Wari contest official) when sitting down.
The contestants who succeed breaking the boards most sit down.
The contestants who fail keep standing.
c. Announcements of the Start of Tameshi Wari contest:
- Shomen ni rei: Bow for official table.
- Mawatte: Turn around 180º towards Tameshi Wari official
- Rei: Bow to official
- Mawatte: Turn around towards official table
- Kamaete: Stand by / Get Ready
- Hajime: Start breaking the boards (within 30 seconds)
d. Announcements of results
Kansui: Successful breaking
The Tameshi Wari contest official raises his right arm 45º indicating a successful attempt, pronouncing:
- Name of contestants
- Back number
- Numbers of broken boards
- And "Kansui”
Shippai: Failed breaking
The Tameshi Wari official crosses his arms downwards gesticulating from side to side indicating a failed attempt, pronouncing:
- Name of contestants
- Back number
- And "Shippai”
Any situation or item not classified in this Rules, will be decided by The Referee Executive Commission during the tournament.